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A Spade is a Spade

Guess who’s coming to Bed? Bed Bath and Beyond that is! The fabuluxe Kate Spade!  If you have a Bed Bath and Beyond registry or was thinking about it, here are some fantabulous things to add to your list:


Dogwood Point Dinnerware


Bonnabel Place Dinnerware Set


Gwinnet Lane Turquoise Dinnerware Set


Library Stripe Crystal Gift Set


Garden Street Rose Bowls


 Get on over to Bed Bath and Beyond and get your luxe on.

Oh, He is Just Too Fabulous

James, my most specialest and fabulous (as my 5 year old would say) stylist is in Love, Sex and the I.R.S.– the comedy by Billy Van Zandt and Jane Milmore, with the Island Players.

Check him out and go see him! I saw him today for a wedding I have– and he’s grown a very nice manicured beard (I’m telling you, very fabulous) for the show.

Performances: January 11. 12, 17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26, 2008 at 8 PM and 13, 20, 27 at 3 PM

Island Players’ Downtown Theatre at 1409/11 Newcastle Street in Historic Brunswick, Georgia

{Photo: Scarlett Lillian (my other most specialest and fabulous friend}

Why I Won’t Hire You…


A lot of my blog and pro friends have written about this– about how to apply, or inquire about a position with a wedding planner. I never ever ever in the history of fabulousness thought I would have to write something like this… but here it goes (and of course, I write with all the Terricaisms that bring you joy, luxelings).


So…Why I won’t hire you:


1.)You use my contact form. You are not a client. You are not a prospect. You are not getting married. Why are you using the contact form? It would be awfully nice if you took the time to research to see if I had an employment page, an HR email or the like.


2.)Your FIRST communication with me is poorly written. If your email looks like one of the LOLCats wrote it, it ends up in my trash bin. Period. I can teach you the ways of a wedding planner. I do not, however, teach grammar, spelling or English. This is an internship. Not an early literacy program.


3.)Your first communication with me is your resume…and ONLY your resume. Honey, that’s just rude. This shows me immediately that you have no imagination and personality. Sure, I have enough for both of us, but I don’t want to share. It’s BYOP.


4.)Three letters: T.M.I. I don’t care to know about where you were last night, who you were with and what you were doing. I’m not your girlfriend. I don’t want to hear about or see (two words My Space…Yes, I check it!) how plastered you were for spring break. If I can google you and find you in a bikini or some other compromising position– trust and believe that my clients can too. NEXT.


5.)You call me and the first words out of your mouth are: “Are you hiring?” Again, rude. Even if I was, I wouldn’t tell you. Not the way to apply. You have to wow me, sell me, make me love you. Playing 20 questions is not the way to do it.


6.)You know nothing about me or my company. If you can’t tell me anything about my business, how can you tell my clients? Do your research. I’m not asking for a book report, but at least show me that you can fit in as opposed to blindly sending out your resume.


7.) You tell me this is your DREAM. I hate this. I’m not looking for dreamers. I’m looking for someone who can work hard, laugh hard, and make it happen. You want romance and happy flowers, get a Disney movie.


8.) You’re a wimp. (Couldn’t really find a better way to word it, sorry). Let me put it like this: On the outside, you see the beautiful bride, handsome groom, proud parents happy guests…good food, awesome music, beautiful decor, and gorgeous venue. The inside: timelines, 12 hour work days, climbing stairs, ladders, putting floors together, moving tables, bustling dresses, crying flower girls, unpaid vendors, bridesmaids, drunk groomsmen, tired feet, and that’s only the half of it. If you’re worn out just reading that, we need not go any further. Just stick to the blog.


9.) You have no sense of style or decorum. I sell style. Plain and simple. I sell style and security. When we meet, I need to see how you would meet with my clients and vendors. So yes, honey, I’m checking you out: your clothes, your hair, your makeup, your accessories….all of it. Do your clothes fit properly? No bulges, pulling buttons, tight clothes, cleavage, etc. How well are you put together? Do you look like you stepped out of a magazine, or that you should be hit with one? Have you come professionally dressed or could I mistake you for hanging out at the mall with your friends? Are you personable adn witty?  Are you shy and reserved? Are you crass and loud?  First impressions are not just everything, they are the ONLY THING.


10.) You think you can do it because you saw it on TV or planned your own wedding. I’m not looking for a human TiVo machine. I don’t need you to spew every line from The Wedding Planner or the hottest new wedding show. That’s like you going on a medical rotation and telling the doctors about what you saw on Grey’s Anatomy. I’m glad you’ve planned your wedding. It was fun, wasn’t it? Now do 12 simultaneously! (Why are you crying????) Realize that you have to bring something to the table, as well as being ready to learn and do some grunt work.

Here are some other great reads:

Saundra of Planning Forever Events

Liene of Blue Orchid Designs


That being said– Yes! We have internships open! Do you have what it takes to apply?

 {Photos:  Cartoon Stock, Good Old, resp.}

This Year’s Top First Dance Songs?

  It’s no secret that I have kidlets. That being said, my recent movie theatre experiences are limited to Disney, Dreamworks and anything else animated. A few weeks ago, we took the minis to see Enchanted, and I was struck by this song.  I was immediately on my phone taking notes of the title and artist’s name.

The song is absolutely beautiful– It is So Close by Jon McLaughlin.

What are your favorite first dance songs? What do you think will be a great song this year?

Get Blue on Your Wedding Day

 image  If fabulous were a person, it would be Liene.  That being said, if you had Liene for your wedding, that would, by default of course, make your wedding fabulous. But, since you read this blog, you must already be fabulous, so that in combination with Liene working your wedding would make it uberfabulous.

See how it all works out, luxelings?

Ok. Enough puffery.

Miss Fabulous is giving away a FREE, day of coordination package to a lucky couple. Travel fees included!  Anyone in the U.S.  Heck, I might even sign up just so we can get together :) 

But if you are in the need of a coordinator for the day of your wedding, and when the only the best will do…you’d better get Liene.

Credit Where Credit Is Due

Last month my friend Kim from Parisian Events wrote about the latest in French fashion, the black wedding dress. Yes, black. You can read more about it out here.

Naturally, the fresh content from her post was a hit and soon after, several other bloggers were writing about it too. This isn’t a problem – blogs, especially wedding blogs, thrive on bringing you the latest in trends and styles. And a black wedding dress? Well that just goes against so much tradition that people just had to share it with the world.

The problem, however, is that several bloggers simply copied and pasted her article and failed to give her credit. Seriously, her post has been popping up all over the place, verbatim, with no link back to her. And yes, deleting one sentence is still considered plagiarism. I am not sharing which blogs plagiarized because I do not feel they deserve the extra traffic.

Here is the skinny on blogging etiquette in this arena (and this is nothing new): If someone has written about an idea that you love, some new bridal shoes that you absolutely adore, a pair of earrings that are sure to be gracing every bride’s lobes in 2008, then by all means blog about it. Just be sure to give credit to the original source.

The blogging community is a lot smaller than people think, especially in a niche market like weddings. Blog responsibly.

{photo via Max Chaoul Couture}

This was originally written by Liene because at the moment I lack the capacity to write about it as nicely as she has.  

And THAT ladies and gentleman is called a credit.

See– how hard was that?

Better yet, let me not hold back and REALLY give you my take on it.

Stop being so @*$*ing lazy. As Liene stated, the wedding blogging circles are so intertwined and close knit, that you will find a lot of people blogging about similar things or have posts that have been inspired by other bloggers.  A lot of us read each other’s blogs and have similar audiences and target markets, so it’s not that uncommon. However, there is a difference between being inspired and stealing.  We work hard at researching and writing a blog– if someone told you it was easy and quick, they lied and you should smack them in their mouth.  It irritates the buttercream out of me to see people do this– especially people who KNOW better.

A lot of us talk to each other every day, so we all take offense to this.  Don’t be the Napster of the Wedding Blogging World.

Firestarters and Christmas Decor with Your Leftover Candles

We haven’t had the opportunity to use our fireplace yet because it is a nice 80 degrees here. Bummer.

But for those of you who want to get into the Christmas spirit by adding on to your decor or cuddling by the fire, this post is for you.  You will remember I told you about what to do with your left over wedding votive candles.  But what about the big candles you get from retailers?  Your know the ones that you can’t burn anymore because it has tunneled (created a cylindric hole down the center due to poor burning) or is lopsided or the wick is gone?

Ok, ok. I’ll tell you.  You will need your old candle jars and some pinecones.  You may want to sanitize your pinecones beforehand or use them naturally. Sanitizing is easy, just put them in a bucket/bowl of cool water to get rid of any bugs, dirt, etc.  Let them dry for a day.

Get your candle jars and follow the same instructions as before to melt your wax.   But what next?

  1. While your wax is melting, prepare a cardboard box and fill with newspaper and add pinecones.
  2. Next to your box, lay out more newspaper on a flat surface.
  3. Put on your oven mitts, and remove your old candle jars.
  4. Pour your wax on top of your pinecones– you may want to take care as to how you pour these if you want them for decoration.  If not, just go BTTW and go for it.  You could also tie a string to your pine cones and dip them in the hot wax.
  5. Lay your pine cones on the flat, newspaper covered surface. While the wax is congealing, you may want to add glitter, feathers, berries, spray paint etc. Whatever blows your skirt up. If you are using these as firestarters, nothing else is needed.

Now you have some nice pine cones that are now scented with your candle wax, and can be placed in any decorative bowl or placed on a wreath or on the tree as ornaments.

If you are using these as firestarters,  you can them place them under, on, and around your logs to get your fire started. Your home will be filled with a nice aroma as the wax melts (BONUS!)

This is a lot of fun and stupid easy.  It’s a great project and even be wedding-fied for a wedding craft, if necessary.   My kids love doing it and it pays off big.  Remember to keep your jars (just be sure to wipe out with paper towels until clean and never ever EVER pour wax down the sink).  You now have a new clean pencil jar, penny jar, or whatever jar.

Photo: Southern Lighterd

Taggin’ My Buddies!

Uber sweet Harmony of the Bridal Blog tagged me, so here I go!

1.) I got my first tattoo at 18. It took 5 and a half hours. It’s on my back 🙂 It is a replica of Shadow (shown below in black) from the video game “Eternal Champions”. I used to play that game a lot when I moved to L.A. as a kid, and loved Shadow’s character. She was a mouthy assassin for the Black Orchid Corp., and specialized in Ninjitsu. She could kill people with her words. Sound familiar?
2.) Even though I am a wedding planner, and have planned the hugest of fetes to the smallest, most intimate of nuptials, I myself, have never had a wedding…and I’ve been married for eight years.
(Photo by Going Bridal)
3.) In my first pageant, I made it to the semi-finals with the help of three words. They asked for three words to describe myself. All the others said, “Strong, Fun, Exciting” or “Intelligent, beautiful, Caring”. Me? “Visa, Mastercard and Discover”. Viva la Commerce!
(Photo by Binary Dollar Blog)
4.) I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE old movies. The movie that started it all for me was Gone With the Wind. I saw it as a young girl, and have loved it ever since. I even own an original edition of the book. But anything in black and white, I will watch. I heart Marilyn Monroe, Bette Davis, Rita Hayworth and the rest of the classic beauties.
5.) My husband and I met in July, he proposed in September, and we married in October. Still going strong after eight years 😉

(Photo by my 5 yr old daughter)

  6.) I was once a 44JJ….and a size 6/8. I had to get my bras and bikinis from England. I have since been nipped and tucked (surgery took 8 hrs) and my life has been uberfabulous ever since.
(from Big Girls Bras, where I was once a very happy customer)
7.) Before becoming a wedding planner, I was studying law. Yes, imagine the joy of my parents.
(Logo from Lexis)

Ok! Now I’m tagging some of my buddies! Let’s check out some of their answers!

The rules, my friends, are:

1. Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 random and/or weird things about yourself.
3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
4. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Could YOU write a New Rule?

I am looking for New Rule Nazis!

Think you’ve got the hutzpah to write a new rule?  Can you float like a butterfly and sting like a 10 gauge rifle? Have you always been a fan of New Rules and find yourself nodding vehemently in agreement or cackling at some of the most insane rules?

Great! All I need to now!

Here is what you do:

  1. Put on your war paint.  Start shadowboxing.  Listen to the Rocky theme song or Eminem. Whatever gets you ready.
  2. Dish out your absolute BEST New Rule– it could be about a bride, a vendor, a bridal party member– it just has to be wedding related.
  3. send it to  terrica {at} onceuponyourwedding dot com
  4. Look for your submission soon!

Little tidbits you might like to know:

  • You may use photos, videos, etc. to accentuate the flavor of your New Rule– just be sure to give me a credit link.
  • You may also request to have a pen name instead of your real name
  • Try not to be too cruel (I know…this coming from the woman with weapons of mass destruction in every rule); speak as generally as possible
  •  Avoid the pottymouth.

Otherwise, have fun!

30 Days

Remember that show?

If you haven’t already, you really must check out Liene’s daily segment, “30 Days to Plan a Wedding“.  The woman is a genius. And I’m not saying that because I’m a Liene-lover and stalker; she really is.

She takes you from wedding conception to wedding execution (the GOOD kind)– all in thirty days.  Liene also covers a lot of topics that are over looked by brides in their planning process and also explains the “why’s and how’s” of planning.

Please read it– it is an awesome read and a Digg favorite!