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Flashing Lights

I am on a serious Kanye West kick, hence the title. But again, I am deviating from the point of the post. So let’s plan on, girlfriends!

I was reading CasaSugar in my Google Reader at the doctor’s office yesterday and found these little cuties:

image I instantly thought of my girl Saundra who had the most wedding sexy night club wedding a few months ago. The GloBE and the Glo Curtain are actually illuminated textiles that are made up of fiber optic lights.

Ok, so I know somewhere, someone is going “Ugh. Never. You can cancel Christmas on that one.”

But then…

I started reading GeekSugar and saw that Harrod’s has a new In-Store LED Display.

image image image  


Now, while the lights from Harrod’s aren’t made up of the same material as the fiber optic light, you can see how a combination of lighting designs and concepts can really make one area pop for your reception. I could be your bar, your cake table, your sweetheart table…wherever you want.


I had such a busy day on Saturday– a little one trying to get over the flu, running errands and getting ready for Captain America to come home. When I finally got back in the house, I wanted to crash so bad. I laid in bed while the kids played, watching my guilty pleasure, L&O: SVU.

I get up to feed my kids and notice I got a text message. “Hey, how are you?”. Me and Captain America frequently exchange text messages, IMs and emails as a way for us to stay as close as possible while he is in Baghdad.I started to text back some information he had asked me for a few days ago. He cut me off and said, “Just give it to me in person. Pick me up in an hour”.

I couldn’t believe it– the love of my life was coming home early! He apologized for not being able to surprise me the way he wanted to (he wanted to just show up at the door), but he couldn’t find any one to bring him to the house.I was (and still am) in love– I just stared at him and kept saying “I can’t believe you are here!” and it couldn’t have come at a better time. I was missing him soooooo much that day and just wanted to be near him. We hadn’t talked in a few days, because his interner was down, as it frequently does over there.

Just wanted to share 🙂

I’m Too Sexy for Your Commercial Wedding

diycover4 It is an amazing thing to read a book written by someone you know and actually admire.  I received a complimentary copy of The DIY Bride:  40 Fun Projects For Your Ultimate One-of-a-Kind Wedding from The Taunton Press company (Thank you so much, Patty!).

A lot of my other wedding planner friends have received or bought copies and have loved it as well. This book is really special to me because I actually know Khris.  Khris and I initially met when I stumbled across her site, DIY Bride, while writing the script for my podcast many, many moons ago. It was a crafter’s DREEEAAAMMM (iWEDdies will appreciate the spelling 😉 )  I mentioned her in several shows because her content was ALWAYS fresh, with videos, online communities and classes and new ideas and how-to’s.  And fast-forward many months (dare I say even a year and a half) later….

Khris’ community is one of the hottest things on the net and she’s a jet-setting author, and I’m….

Well, anyway, (LOL)

Thumbing through the book, I was instantly engaged by all of the large color pictures.  The concepts and crafts are so practical, yet beautiful, that even high-maintenance diva like myself says "Hey! I can do that!"  The basics section is great– Khris introduces you to everything you want and need to know about the fundamentals of getting started with making any craft for your wedding. Definitely a must have. 

As you go through the book, she takes you through out the planning process– from Save the Date crafts to creating a beautiful keepsake box after the wedding.  Each project is detailed with Tips and Hints from the Craft Diva herself, as well as a Cost Comparison chart which allows you to see how much you can pay for it in retail, and how much it will cost you to do it all by your fabulous onesies.

As I go through the book, I am further amazed about the beauty of the projects. I always knew Khris was talented and smart, but now it’s on paper!  And Khris, true to her sweet self, doesn’t leave you hanging– she provides you with templates and real life experiences/explanations. What is so fabulous is that the projects are universal– even if the look of the project isn’t for you, you can explore other fabrics, colors, ideas, etc. that are true to you and your own wedding.   

This is a book for you to have in your library for before and after your wedding.  I’m going through this right now, thinking of all the great uses it will have for future fabuluxe parties and bridal events.  It is available by the above link on Amazon or at your favorite local bookstore.

Khris, I am SO very proud of you :)  Thank you again for knowing ME!  You rock!


<girly moment>

It’s always package day at the our house, so it was no big deal when I paused from talking to Captain America b/c Jeremy (my UPS guy…See, that’s how much I get packages) was at the door.  I checked the name, saw it was for Captain America and sat it by the front door. 

Came back to the laptop to let him know that he got a package. He wanted to know the particulars…is it a box?  Who is it from?  How big is it?  After I gave him the rundown, he told me to open it.  I said, "No, that’s ok. You can open it when you come home next week".  So he tells me to OPEN IT.  He’s curious to know what it is. 

I open the box and see a bunch of filler paper– I pull it aside, and see a little wooden box that says Timeless Message.  I go back and tell him.  He wants me to open that too.

image I open it, and I see a pretty heart shaped bottle, filled with rose petals and a scroll inside.  The Terrica in me was initially thinking "Who in the HELL is sending him this?", and almost proceeded to take off my earrings and slather on the Vaseline and the tennis shoes…but I said, "No…calm down, black girl" and opened the scroll….

To my beautiful wife…

Every morning when I wake, I reach to feel the warmth from your side of the bed. It comforts my caring thoughts that are sitting in my mind like a dream, weaving our life together. These loving visions will forever dance in my heart, as I whisper to myself everyday “how did I get so lucky to share my life with someone amazing like you”.

The way you put our relationship first, and listen to my every need, brings never-ending happiness to the commitment we made to each other. The gentle touch of your humble eyes caress my soul and indulges the endless serenity that gives my life purpose.

I have chosen to dedicate myself to you, the sweet joy of my world, the one person who loves me as much as I love them.

Hear me whisper to you now, “I want to spend eternity sharing my life with you. I love you now and I will love you forever”


Your Husband, Captain America

Don’t you just heart him!? He’s sweet, makes beautiful babies and can put the smackdown in 2.5 seconds.


Thank you, Captain America. I love you too. 

</girly moment>

Between Me and You

I can remember when I had my daughter, my aunt gave me a journal that asked me specific questions– what was my favorite childhood memory…how did I feel when I fell in love, etc.

It was wonderful because you are supposed to fill out the journal and leave it for your children.  What I love about the Sand Dune books is that you give them to the people you care about the most, and on each page are questions like “For you, what has been the most rewarding part of our friendship?” or “What is your favorite memory of the time we first met?”  The person fills the book out and gives them back to you.  It’s a great keepsake and very meaningful (might be a great gift for parents, fiance(e)s, bridesmaids, etc.).

Sand Dune Books :: $14.95

How to Settle Minor Disagreements with Vendors and Bridesmaids

A quick lesson from my husband, Captain America (in the blue shorts):


LOL I LOVE THAT! I just had to share. I love how the guy with the camera asks my husband, “Do you want one minute? (the length of the round)”, but he taps the guy in 27 seconds.

*Sigh*  A man after my own heart.

So luxelings– have a vendor who has quoted you two different prices? A bridesmaids who still hasn’t gotten their dress yet?  Future MILwho won’t help herself to a cup of STHU?

Nothing a little choke can’t fix 🙂

Now playing: HBO – Real Time with Bill Maher – Episode 117
via FoxyTunes


driving.jpgA lot of my buddies do “A Day in the Life of a Wedding Planner” posts…but I figured I could do it, with a different twist. I’m sure you pretty much know how a wedding day goes down– you see it on the TV or read it in the blogs. But what do we do when we aren’t fabuluxing a wedding?

Well, here’s what my days are *typically* like:

5:30 a.m. Lie in bed. Discover a little person and their cat has joined me at some time in the night. Contemplate on going into the garage to hit the bag.

6:00 a.m. Wake up the kidlets. Argue with Mini-Me about it being morning even though it is dark outside. Prince Charming wakes up perfectly after being cajoled into watching Capt. Planet. Baby is up playing and cooing.

6:15 a.m. Turn on the laptop and hook up the webcam to talk to Capt America. It makes us feel like we’re all together– he watches the kids get ready for school, talks to them, etc. We’re dorks– we even have “dinner” together.

7:30 a.m. Out the door and on the way to school….blasting Radio Disney. The life of a Diva.

8:00 a.m. Call my mom. I do this religiously…every day. I’m her alarm clock. We figure this is my way of repaying her back for all the times she got me up when I had to go to school.

8:05 a.m. Both kids dropped off. Receive a subpoena to show up at Starbucks. Testify to the woman at the drive thru and am sentenced to enjoy a Caramel Frapuccino with whipped cream and an extra shot of espresso. My day can begin.

8:20 a.m. Phone and emails begin pouring in as if someone has died. Feed baby while I listen to a vendor leave a 5 minute message on my voicemail. Only 30 seconds pertains to the information I requested. Make a mental note to never ever ever ever call them again. Email instead. Contemplate putting Brandy it my frapuccino, but damn, it’s only 8:20 in the morning.
8:30 a.m. Turn on CNN. If you didn’t know, I’m a news junkie. This comes from being a former contestant in the MAO organization where you could be asked about any remote third world country that you’ve never heard of.

8:35 a.m. Check in with my buddies at iWED– the best place in the world for wedding professionals. (Shameless plug over). Begin returning emails and start working on proposals for potential clients.

9:40 a.m. Start storyboarding for a few events that I have coming up. Get frustrated because my vision isn’t coming through.

9:45 a.m. Open garage door with a handful of pretzels. Look at the heavy bag and boxing gloves. Shrug and shut the door. Eat pretzels. Go play with baby.

10:00 a.m. Start storyboarding again. Talk to Captain America while I pay bills and order linens. Take out tonight’s dinner.

10:20 a.m. Cat comes and sits on the keyboard.

10:30 a.m Changed in my workout clothes (gotta love a shirt that says “Mixed Martial Arts: When Punching Them in the Face Just Isn’t Enough”) Strap on gloves (yup have that exact pair, because I’m ubergirly). Stretch. Breathe. Practice my boxing and muay thai kicks. Want to quit. Think about the Beyonce bathing suit I’ve been wanting. Go back and do 60 knee strikes. Curse the bathing suit.

11:30 a.m. All showered and beautified, and can go back to work. Drop baby off at Day Care– tune into CNN to get the latest news (told you I’m addict) then listen to another episode of Kimora’s Life in the Fab Lane.

11:40 a.m. Call cake designer and confirm the current design for Client Fabulous. Also set up a cake tasting for Client Glamorous.

11:45 a.m. Make it on to the island. Meet with Floral Designer and Lighting Designer. Discuss our options and some of the ideas I came up with for Client Beautiful.

1:00 p.m. Finish meeting with vendors. Check phone for new emails and text messages. Email client to tell her how fabulous her wedding is going to look! Send a text message to Capt. America. Call musicians for Client Fabulous. Check to see if deposit was received.

1:15 p.m. Talk to advertising rep about my ad under my new name.

1:30 p.m. Receive press request for assistance on an article. Happy to help 🙂

2:00 p.m. Arrive at Mini-Me’s school. Wait in parking lot. Listen to XM— alternate between XM Classics, CNN, The Heat, and High Standards. Take some time to sketch up some ideas for my bridal show booth and new packages.

2:30 p.m. “Drive Thru” at Mini-Me’s school opens up. Pull up, they put her in, and we’re off to pick up my two little guys. Listen to her gush about how she had a great day, what she ate for lunch, and how so and so got in trouble.

2:35 p.m. Pick up my guys. They are both bouncy and happy.

2:40 p.m. We’re all in the car. Call Capt. America on the handsfree calling on the truck so that we can all hear (he’s 8 hours a head of us). Say goodnight.

2:50 p.m. Arrive home. Kids tear through the house. Check mailbox. Kids got a new book and movie. Listen to shrieks of joy. Play with kids…watch them play. Get deliveries from the door.

3:30 p.m. Check into email again. Return phone calls. Check storyboard– ditch first because I have an epiphany and revisit it with a new fervor.

4:15 p.m. Check clothes for the rest of the week for the kids. Makes everything so much easier.

4:30 p.m. Start dinner.

5:30 p.m. Serve dinner.

5:50 p.m. Listen to complaints that little bellies are full, but some how have room for two helpings of dessert.

6:00 p.m. Call client to do a logistics consult for an upcoming wedding. Kids are in their rooms being rockstars.

6:15 p.m Play a game of Candyland. Get beat. Bad.

6:30 p.m. Put kids in bath tub. Be amazed as 1.5 million toys end up in there along with them. Check in to Wolf Blitzer. Switch back between that and Law and Order. My vices.

6:40 p.m. Make baby’s bottles. Clean kitchen. Throw in a load of laundry. Fold a load. Laundry sucks. Make a note to get a maid.

7:00 p.m. Kids out of tub. Watch something on TV.

7:30 p.m. Put kids in bed. Read a story.

7:50 p.m. Sit on couch. Look at another basket of clothes that the cat is comfortably sleeping in. Reconsider the maid thing.

8:00 p.m. Enjoy the quiet.

8:03 p.m. Kids start talking.

8:03:30 p.m. Read kids the riot act.

8:04 p.m. Enjoy the quiet.

8:50 p.m. Check bulletin board for any notes I’ve posted to myself. Check calendar for upcoming events. Check email.

9:10 p.m. Blog a little.

9:30 p.m. Feed baby. Put back to sleep.

9:50 p.m. Revisit bridal show design. Check bridal show budget. Sigh.

10: 40 p.m. Captain America logs on. Say he’s getting ready to work out. Talk briefly. Will talk more when he gets back. I will probably be sleep when he does. Brush teeth, clean and moisturize face.
10:45 p.m. Read a book.

10:47 p.m. Sleep.

12:00 a.m. Feed baby. Stumble back into bed.

2:40 a.m. See above.

4:10 a.m. See above.

And then it begins aaalllll over again. Glamorous, ain’t it!