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Hot Color Combos: Wintered Rose and Shitake

winteredrose-shitake For this week’s hot colors, we’re taking another cue from the Pantone Fall 2008 Color Report.  Wintered Rose and Shitake are a different play on the already tired pink and brown theme.  Instead of drawing attention with bold statement colors, these muted tones are more sultry and more complex.  Last week, we went for bold and contrast.  This week, we’re a bit more subdued.  These deep shades can resonate so much– but for me, it was the romance. I saw nothing but modern elegance and lushness when I saw this mauve and brown shade.  The ivory added a touch of innocence at the same time. 





{Cake  and cocktails :: Modern Bride | Bridesmaids Dress :: Style JH 5827  | Wedding Dress :: JH8800 | Candle and hurricane glass :: Michelle Rago| Cocktail tables :: BBJ and RUDA Photography :: Tabletop :: Appika Photography }

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Hot Color Combos: Purple and Marigold

pm I think grown women should have grown women colors, don’t you?  I’ve seen some demure things that are gorgeous, but I really do love it when a bride gets a little "risque" with color.  It just says so much about her personality and where she is going with her event when she experiments with vibrant colors.  Color just makes you feel sexy, alive, mysterious, daring, beautiful…. It can be kind of hard to feel that way when you are dressed up like a Disney Princess.



Ever since Michelle Obama wore her fist bumping purple dress, more people are falling in love with the shade.  Some of us who closely follow the Pantone Color Trends saw it coming.  Even though we’re seeing the standard influx of Tiffany Blue and Yellow, more bolder and richer colors are making their presence known.  (FYI, this really makes you look like the rockstar bride when you choose a color that is hot an can be worn again successfully without looking like a young maiden that interacts with talking candlesticks and clocks, while being courted by a beast).  On the fair side, Trends are fleeting– but guess what, so is your wedding. It’s not going to happen at the same time every year– it represents where you are at that particular moment.  No, you shouldn’t pick a color just because it’s "trendy".  "Trendy" will look dated in a few months or years.  When it is reflective of who you are, that my friends, is what stands the test of time.



Bouquet, drink, and centerpiece photos {}, boutonniere {The Knot}, Black linen tablescape {Shawna Herring :: Flickr}, Bridesmaid Dress {Jordan Fashions :: 536 in Raspberry}