What NOT To Do For Your Wedding: Your Engagement
Congrats! He’s popped the question– now what?
What NOT To Do:
- Tell everyone but your parents and expect them to pay for your wedding
- Buy a wedding gown the day after
- Make promises that might be hard to keep later (“I’m getting married and you just know you are invited!” or “He asked me to marry him! You know you’re going to be my bridesmaid!” or “Yes! I will wear your mother’s wedding gown! [Especially if you haven’t seen it!])
My Suggestions
- Tell those who are important in your life first. This means parents, children, grandparents, etc. You may also have to tell some exes if either of you have been married before. You don’t want any of these people finding out from someone else. Even if relationships are strained, take the high road, as this is to be a happy occasion!
- Buy as many bridal and design magazines as your heart desires. One of my personal favorites is The Bride and Bloom. You can get some great ideas as to what you want and what you don’t want for your wedding.
- Discuss, as generally as possible, what is important to you for your wedding– who’s invited, traditions to incorporate, size, etc.
- Really do put forth an effort to enjoy being engaged! So many brides go into heavy planning mode immediately after the ring has been slipped on their finger. It’s really no wonder why six months in to planning they crash and burn or turn into major bridezillas. Make an agreement to start planning after a certain period (i.e., after engagement party, 6 weeks after, etc.). When you are in full planning mode, do remember that you guys had other things to talk about before the wedding. Your conversations shouldn’t revolve around the wedding all the time. That’s a surefire way to teach your fiance selective hearing or cause him to lose major interest in his wedding. If this is the case, a mini-moon should be in the near future!