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St. Simons Wedding Planner :: Island Destination Weddings | Wake Me Up Before You Logo
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Wake Me Up Before You Logo

 WHAM lovers can appreciate that title.

Others, like the luxelings on my staff, will have no idea what I mean.

Now that I have shown my age– back to the topic at hand.

One of the great things about having a blog that reveals your psychological innards is that it attracts the most fabulous people! I was so honored to find out that Alyson Steakley of True Love Logos reads our blog. Put your boring monogram on notice, luxelings– there is a new logo in town.

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Alyson designs wedding logos for couples who want a different twist to personalizing their wedding. What’s best is that your wedding logo or true love logo, can be used for many uses after the wedding. I was blessed to have a few moments to speak with Alyson about her fantastic service and product. I’ll let you eavesdrop if you promise to slip me a slice of wedding cake 🙂

T: What inspires your work?

Alyson: The inspiration behind True Love Logos is simple — providing a super-easy way for couples to tie a visual ribbon around their event with professionally designed wedding monograms that represents the couple, their wedding day and their future. Over the years I’ve heard bride friends lament about having to use different emblems and fonts on their invitations, favors, napkins, etc. because of the restricted options the vendors offer and, if they can provide their own, not having the resources to provide the file types most vendors require. They’re left without the tied-together look they imagined for their wedding.True Love Logos fills that gap by offering a myriad of designs to choose from, then providing several different file types of your chosen design which are perfect for diy projects and/or sending to all types of vendors.

T: When coming up with a new design, what are your favorite concepts, colors, etc. to work with?

Alyson: I honestly like all of them, which isn’t a surprise for my friends who know me. I’ve been teased for years for my all-over-the-place taste. I seem to like it all — music, art, home decor, etc. When it comes to the True Love wedding monograms, one week I’ll focus on the Classic, more romantic designs and the next, I’ll switch to the Contemporary designs. I enjoy the variety and the challenge of designing through another person’s eyes and creating that perfect design that they’ll seize upon and say, “That’s the one!”

T: What is your favorite design currently available to clients?

Alyson: Among clients, the most popular True Love Logos design is CL-12 from the Classic collection, which features a filigree graphic behind a large surname initial with the couples’ first names underneath. Personal favorites are hard to narrow down, but this week my favorite is MG-10 from the Monogram collection — it’s an interesting combination of a script font and modern sensibilities. I love designs that encompass contrasting styles.


T: I love your name — how did you come up with it?

Alyson: Girl Power! The name I originally planned to use popped up on a website with a similar business concept while I was hammering away at my design collections, so it was back to the drawing board. Once I had some name ideas, I enlisted about 20 girlfriends — married and unmarried — to see which ones immediately invoked the idea behind the service — designs for weddings. I asked them to put under each name what it “said” to them — I was tickled at some of the answers I got and was truly grateful for their feedback. True Love Logos received the most on-target responses, so I had my answer! It wasn’t initially my favorite, but it’s definitely become so. The alliteration in the name makes it easy to remember and even with three words, it makes for a short web address —

T: What tips do you have for clients who would like a couture monogram?

Alyson: If you’d like to use your wedding monogram for years to come, choose a simple design and order it without a date or location. This will enable you to feature it on personal stationery, thank you cards, linens, etc. throughout your marriage, even anniversary invitations one day! Also, for those wanting to follow wedding etiquette, features many designs that do not feature a surname or surname initial, just first names or first name initials.

T: In what ways can a couple use their monogram?

Alyson: I’m constantly surfing the web looking for ideas to present to clients on my “Ideas for Use” page. Currently, the most popular ways to use a True Love Logo are … save-the-date cards, wedding invitations, thank you cards, wedding websites, favor tags/labels and photo albums. The latest additions to my “Ideas for Use” page are wedding journals and guest books by that feature openings in the covers for a wedding monogram, and for endless diy projects, I’ve added a link to a great site —

T: Who would you love to create a monogram for and what would you do?

Alyson: I would love to create monograms for family and friends who got married before the advantage of computer-aided design. Before now, having a monogram designed was an expensive endeavor typically reserved for the wealthy. I love providing such a refined service to couples now, and would love to also provide it to those who never had the opportunity to give their marriage a signature monogram. I relish the idea of being able to incorporate older-style fonts and graphics to create designs for my parents’ generation.

Be sure to check out Alyson’s site at

Currently grooving to Adore by Prince

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