The Power of Thanks
This year, it’s just me and the kidlets for Thanksgiving. Capt America comes home this weekend, so we won’t be doing the traditional Thanksgiving thing today. All the same, we have so much to be grateful for. We had a beautiful healthy baby this year. My husband is safe and on his way back to me. It’s not a day that goes by that I don’t give thanks for that fact alone, because I know someone else’s husband is not coming home. The company had a FANTASTIC year this year, and I’m looking forward to 2008. I’ve met so many fantastic people who have made an impact on my life, that I feel lin some respects, they have all helped to make me a better person.
So, I was in the car listening to CNN on the way to take the kids to school. Deborah Norville was on talking about “Thank You Power“. I was thining “Wow, that’s something. Never heard of it”. She has written a book on the very subject, which states that people who use “thank you power” are more resilient, patient, and peaceful. Imagine that. So by just being grateful, you can change your whole outlook on life. Sounds simple enough, but so do most choices. Aha, but that’s just it– a conscious decision to change for the better and recognize the good.
Oprah has a new thing I am going to start as well– a gratitude journal. What better way to fully recognize your blessings than to literally count them and and take a moment to recognize them. I would always hear people say “don’t block your blessings”, and I think a good way to make sure that you stay blessed is to get out of your own way. So, by doing this journal, I am hoping that I can give deference to my gratitude.
I hope you have a fantastic Thanksgiving, wherever you are. Enjoy your family, your health, and your life. And enjoy that meal!
I might have pizza tonight.
And I’m grateful I don’t have to cook.
See…I started already.