Tall Centerpiece Ideas for Your Wedding
One of the perks about having a large space for your wedding reception venue is that you can capitalize on lighting, casting shadows, washing the room in color and other great options. However, if your centerpieces are not of the right scale, you run the risk of having your room completely engulf any of your design efforts. The same can be said for tents as well– you don’t want your space to dwarf your centerpieces. In this case, you may need to build “up” your arrangements, as opposed to building “out”.
Trees make for great tall centerpieces as they are naturally robust as they are tall. Additionally, they can be less cost intensive and can be adorned with small crystals, pomanders or blooms. Candelabras aren’t just for candles! Create a large arrangement in the candelabra’s bowl for lush arrangement of florals or eliminate the flowers altogether and use only your favorite pillars at varying heights. Want to something with a little more drama besides candles? Use ostrich feathers! Strike out by using tall plumes and drabs to fill an eiffel vase or one similar for something that is very Old Hollowyood-esque. To add depth, add slim arrangements at varying heights.
Here is some great inspiration (click on image to see larger version):