Great Guestbook Ideas and Alternatives
Ready to ditch the traditional “sign in” type guestbooks for your wedding? Looking for something more meaningful and aesthetic for your home? Here are some outstanding options!
In addition to the wine guestbook bottles featured above or vintage postcards in an antique suitcase, where guests sign their name to specifically numbered bottles to be opened on your anniversaries, there are other many non-traditional (read: boring) ways of commemorating your guests’ attendance and affection for you on your special day.
Notes and Polaroids…
Create a scrapbook with small envelopes, where guests can leave notes on cards for you to open after your honeymoon. Another fun way is to have your guests take polaroid pictures where they can snap a photo at a designated area, leave a sweet message and post it in your book.
Looking for something to display in your home? These beautiful wooden monograms and guestbook trees are amazing conversation and decor pieces for your home. Other great home decor ideas are the jars of stones where guests can write their names or messages on them. Signed paper with decal numbers of your wedding day would look beautiful framed in your foyer or hallways. If you’re the rustic type, a wooden slab will look great perched on a shelf or on your mantle.
Have a favorite hobby you love to do together? Get a commemorative piece that guests can sign for you to display in your home. This always makes a welcome addition to your home and will be far more revered than a book that will collect dust.
Hopefully these great ideas will inspire you to do something truly unique for your guestbook!