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St. Simons Wedding Planner :: Island Destination Weddings | Perfect Wedding Dress Body
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Perfect Wedding Dress Body

Trying to get that last minute wedding dress body? You probably want to focus on your arms, shoulders, and back which are normally exposed in the mass majority of wedding dresses. If you are running close to time of your big day you can do spot training but I recommend you do basic cardio along with the “spot” exercises. Plus in order to live a healthy life with your new mate it’s recommended by the CDC to engage in 60 minutes of vigorous activities daily that increase your heart rate. But Back to the Basic we are in crunch time of your big day. Let’s start by drinking plenty of water so you stay hydrated during your cardio workouts and eat a healthy diet.

For a basic workout to have you looking fabulous on your big day. You want to start by doing simple free-weight lifting with a max of 10 lbs because if you’re anything like me you get results in your arms real quick and you don’t want to look like Hulk Hogan on your “Big Day”. Some other ways to sculpt your arms if equipment is available you can get an stability ball and a medicine ball and lay flat on your back and hold the ball Holding medicine ball with both hands, lie face-up on stability ball with head and shoulder blades resting on its center, knees bent 90 degrees and feet flat so that torso feet are parallel to the floor so that torso is parallel to the floor. Keeping abs engaged and hips lifted, extend arms toward ceiling, directly over shoulders. This also is a good workout for your abs. You can do 1 or 2 sets of reps at a time.

Another focus point can be your shoulders. A good way to get your shoulders looking wedding gown ready is to do simple shoulder rotations. Shoulder rotations work the rotator cuff which can define muscles in your deltoid, upper back, and can show definition of your bicep muscles. You can add a light weight if you would like but this can be done without as well. And I would avoid this exercise if you currently have any back problems or discomfort

With these two spot exercising techniques, adequate water, and proper eating you are on your way to looking like a fabulous  bride with your back and arms out. Not only will guest be admiring your dress but they also will be asking about your exercise routine.

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