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St. Simons Wedding Planner :: Island Destination Weddings | One Way Ticket to Wifeville
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One Way Ticket to Wifeville

Wifeville rocks.

I know for some brides, it’s hard to give up the cute tanks and cami’s that say “bride” or the soft terry hoodie that reads “Future Mrs. So and So”.  Enter: Wifeville.  And even its birth story is cute:  It evolved from the very excitement every new wife experiences when she is introduced as Mrs. So and So or her hubby’s wife.

Featured in the Style Lounge at the MTV Movie Awards, Wifeville marries sassy design with a little tongue in chic.  Who can resist these “The Wife Wears Prada” hoodies? And tell me how you can resist this “The Wife is Right” tee shirt.  These are perfect honeymoon wear or a gift for your favorite bride.

Now playing: Accademia Strumentale Italiana – Stefano Lando – Madrigale Io Vivea Come Aquila
via FoxyTunes

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