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Motivational Arsonist!

I’ll be back to my regularly scheduled wedding blogging programming this week, but wanted to share another inspirational vitamin with you.

My husband and I were out eating recently, and I was telling him how very blessed and grateful I was to have some of the new people in my life. They came at just the right time, and for the right reasons.  Many have touched me professionally, but some have helped transcend my level of awareness both professionally and personally.  Precious has been such a dear friend to me– a confidant, sister, sounding board, and giggle partner.  Mattie shares my fetish or everything fabulous and is the sister that I need to tell me when I’m wrong, but back me up in a fight when I’m right.  Liene, as I was telling my husband, is a Godsend, because I truly believe that she was my business’ guardian angel (and my twin sister).  Everything I needed to hear came from her mouth, and I listened, and it worked.   Scarlett, has been my personal guardian angel without even knowing it. Because of her, my spiritual relationship with Christ and others has gone to a depth for the better and I owe everyone listed so much for their contributions….whether they know they have touched my life or not.

As our conversation went on, a lot of my present hit me and it was quite a breathtaking moment. Everything I do is for my children.  I want to be the type of woman I want my daughter to be, the type of woman I want my sons to marry, and to achieve things and work hard in life to show my children that anything is possible.  And it is, but the woman today is a piece of the people listed above, and others as well.  I reminisced with my husband how when I started my business, back when it was Once Upon Your Wedding,  how hard it was to stay motivated in this industry.  Just when you think you’ve carved out your niche, you find someone else with the same idea or has stolen your idea. Or, when first getting started you run in to major roadblocks and unsupportive (and I’ll say it) downright catty and ignorant people.  Some were less than gracious to me when I got started, and if I didn’t see my vision for myself and was committed to seeing my business off to a soaring start, I would’ve quit.  But that ain’t the Terrica you’ve grown to know and love.

I realize every day how very important it is to help someone with their dream.  I have a few people who read the blog that email to ask me about getting started, and I can’t wait to return the favor to them as many have favored and honored me with their experiences.  Some people are doused in gasoline, some people are soaked in water.  So when you light that spark under them, sometimes they blaze and others just fizzle out.  That’s ok, what matters is that you took your time…you shared yourself, your knowledge and your love.  And just know that when  that one person’s fire is blazing, a piece of your own fire blazes with it, and others will want get a piece of that fire too.  None of us have cornered the market on anything in life– someone will always build a bigger and better mousetrap.  But when you take the time to help the next guy, a piece of you lives on– a piece of you enjoys that success with them.  And in turn, they will remember that and teach someone else.  Before you know it, there will be less and less people who are getting started (in this industry and in any industry, for that matter), that will say “When I got started, people were real jerks to me”. Instead, they will say, “I will be glad to help you, because when I got started, someone else helped me”.

I dare you to ignite someone’s flame this week.  Share your passion, share your fire, share yourself.

Each one, teach one.

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