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St. Simons Wedding Planner :: Island Destination Weddings | Interns! Learn from Top Chef!
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Interns! Learn from Top Chef!

image So long, Nikki!  She’s been eighty sixed, and by God, was I happy to see her go.

I knew she was going to be the one eliminated just by the way she whined about making mayonnaise by hand.  She just wasn’t cut out for it.  She had a prime opportunity when she and the groom really hit it off with their similar palates and affinity for Italian foods.  My Lipgloss, the woman is Italian and has perfected many Italian dishes on the show– wonderful time to show up and show off.

Because she had this experience, her team looked to her for her expertise and insight.  What does she do? Drop the ball and shirk the responsibility.  BAD freakin’ move.  Chef means "chief" or "head" in French, these are typically description of leaders. It’s not called Top Whiner, Top Shirker, or Top Shying Violet.  Nikki had an opportunity to command three other reasonably good chefs to create something she is an expert in.  Instead, she had the "you do your thing, I’ll do mine". 

For example– Dale, who for all intents and purposes, is a jerk, however, Dale was working his tail off and because he had no direction about Italian food (by his own admission, he does not make it or specialize in it).  he did his own thing (and did it horribly). As he was making a ragù, Nikki asked him what he was doing and what his ingredients were.  Basically, Dale said that he was making a tomato sauce with very little tomatoes. Genius at its best, yet I digress.  Nikki grew indifferent and said in so many words "That’s on him".


Wedding planning interns, you can learn a lot from this:

You are a team! And you are only as strong as the weakest person on your team– leader or not.  If you specialize in something and see someone doing it wrong, you need to let them know.  You do not become a rockstar by watching your teammate inadvertently sink the ship and absolve yourself by saying "Glad it’s not me". Oh no, mon petit luxeling, it is you– it is all of us. 

If your planner gives you a task, you never know if it is the test.  You’ve made it through the very harrowing and consuming selection process. If s/he didn’t see potential in you, you wouldn’t be there.  Well, at least in my book. My motto is "Go fabulous or go home!"  You cannot be afraid to step up to the plate and do your best– if you see an opportunity to lead, take it.  This industry isn’t for the timid, the shy or easily intimidated. You’ve got one shot to get it right.  If you’ve go what it takes, take it– show up and show off!

But if you even THINK that letting another assistant coordinator or intern working on the wedding do something wrong or haphazardly won’t come back to bite you…YOU might be the one who might be gone.

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