In the Mood for Food
Did you know that food can put people in the mood for love?
Mmmhmmm! That’s right! But these same types of foods can also help people have a good time overall. We’ve been there before– we’ve either gone out and the food has been criminally awful, and it almost ruins the night, or we’ve gone out and the food has been exceptional and added to the overall appeal of the evening. Certain scents, colors, textures and tastes trigger a synapse in the brain that says, “Hey– Get off your butt! It’s time to party!”
Why not add them at your wedding?
1.) Add brightly colored foods to your menu. Brightly colored foods are not only appealing to the eyes, but serve many healthy benefits (think vegetables). Those same brightly colored foods stimulate the brain.
2.) Chocolate. Who would’ve thought! Chocolate also stimulates the nervous system and increases blood pressure, making your heart beat faster and “feel all in love”. No wonder I always feel pretty after a Hersey bar (And then have to kill myself working out…the irony is ridiculous). Believe it or not, because of its taste and texture, chocolate can be incorporated in a lot of mainstream meals. Think spring rolls with white chocolate wasabi fondue or other entrees enhanced with chocolate or cocoa powder. I know you’re saying “Terrica, that’s a no go”. But these are fun to play with, as they may not sound appetizing, but they really do tempt and caress the palate. But let’s say you’re not that adventurous– stick with passed chocolates or chocolate covered strawberries during cocktail our or chocolate martinis.
3.) Get some help from your friend, Al Q. Hall. Here is a shocker– alcohol is also a mood booster. This is another reason why you should make sure your wine pairings are on point and your signature bar or drink is appealing.
Photo: BBC Good Food