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St. Simons Wedding Planner :: Island Destination Weddings | Flashing Lights
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Flashing Lights

I am on a serious Kanye West kick, hence the title. But again, I am deviating from the point of the post. So let’s plan on, girlfriends!

I was reading CasaSugar in my Google Reader at the doctor’s office yesterday and found these little cuties:

image I instantly thought of my girl Saundra who had the most wedding sexy night club wedding a few months ago. The GloBE and the Glo Curtain are actually illuminated textiles that are made up of fiber optic lights.

Ok, so I know somewhere, someone is going “Ugh. Never. You can cancel Christmas on that one.”

But then…

I started reading GeekSugar and saw that Harrod’s has a new In-Store LED Display.

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Now, while the lights from Harrod’s aren’t made up of the same material as the fiber optic light, you can see how a combination of lighting designs and concepts can really make one area pop for your reception. I could be your bar, your cake table, your sweetheart table…wherever you want.

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