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Crap. I Got Tagged.

Now playing: Sade – Smooth Operator
via FoxyTunes    I typically don’t respond to tags.

And I should.

They’re fun!
Uber-stylish modern day Audrey Hepburn, Kimberly Petyt of Parisian Events, tagged me in her recent post, Green in Paris. Unfortunately, I don’t have a thing to add! I just realized how un-green I am! It was tragic!

I drive a HUGE gas guzzling Yukon XLT. Ok, actually it’s good on gas. The truck has everything and does everything…except make it’s own freakin’ payments. But I digress. I schedule my week in advance, so besides taking the kidlets to school, I schedule all of my tasks, appts, etc. on one day. Perhaps this can be counted as prevent fuel emissions?

Ok next.

I wash my clothes and run my dishwasher at night. I don’t know if this saves money or energy. I’ll get back to you.

(Look, I said I wasn’t green. Al Gore is going to hate me.)

I thought about using those new eco-lightbulbs.

(Gosh, this is starting to look bad for me.)

I turn my air conditioner off at night, and make it a point to turn off lights when they aren’t being used.

Ok. So I need to get my act together– especially if this is all I can think of. But thank you for the motivation, Kim!

Now playing: Billie Holiday – I’ll Be Seeing You
via FoxyTunes

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