Back in Charm City
Captain America and I drove up to Baltimore for my high school reunion. First thing, Thank GOD for the new Yukon. The baby slept very well through the trip, and my other two heirs were neatly tucked away in the third row seat watching Spiderman 2 for the gazillionth time.
Anyway, that’s me…the blonde (told you guys I went Beyonce on all of you!) and few of my gal pals at the DuClaw in Baltimore. Wow….my second high school reunion. Ummm…is it time for the Botox and the rest of the plastic surgery yet?!
C.A. and I had a great time though and partied like rock stars with our own little VIP section at the Baja Beach Club with some other friends (who aren’t pictured– Sorry Lynae and Tere!). And even though I’ve had better lemon drops, we certainly had fun trying out other signature drinks and dancing! Best date I’ve had with my husband in 8 years!